Tournament win and fishing report
I would like to start off saying thanks to our sponsors. Last weekend we fished some slightly stained water and the raze Eyewear really helped me to determine if we were in the right water. Also dreamweaver lures. Absolutely nothing compares to a spin doctor! Last but not least our bloodrun copper and wire caught most of our fish Last weekend. Now for the fishing report. There are two batches of fish to be caught between the ports of saugatuck and south haven right now. The inside is holding lake trout. Tonight we fished 120 to 140 and had a nice catch of lake trout. 8in double chrome spinny with wonderbread whirly gigs and spin n glos were the best followed by the blue chrome whirly gig. We also hit two cohos on 150s in that inside water. For the outside water there are some nice mature kings as well as 3 year Olds with a few cohos mixed in. This morning we fished 180 to 260 and back to 180 on a 5 hr trip. We caught our kings on divers out 150 on lows and 250 on highs. Chrome frog with pickled sunshine was good on a high and double chrome with a green krink was good on lows. Blue bubble on a 350 copper also took a couple bites. Shoot rigger was the only rigger to go and it was a green slick paddle down 140. The coho this am came on 6in orange spinnys on the 150s. Good luck this week!

Congratulations on the win and thanks for the report!